- A private bedroom and access to a bath or shower.
- Breakfast and an evening meal.
- You should also give them the opportunity to wash any clothes and have access to food, or food preparation if they do not eat with you at breakfast or evening meal.
Support/advice in conjunction with the project around the following housing related issues:
- Advice re budgeting
- Advice re local services
- Developing life skills
- Advice re cooking
- Advice re cleaning
- Advice re dealing with correspondence
- Assisting with accessing support and advice from M3 and other agencies
- Assisting with accessing healthcare
It is very important that householders inform the project of relevant discussions or interactions that they have with young people on placement with them. This helps us provide the correct level of support for young people and ensures that we are not left unaware of issues that might be affecting a young persons placement.
We value immensely the support that householders give young people, but would ask them to bear in mind that young people are supported as part of a package and that communication between the partners involved in providing that package is essential.
Please also inform us, and encourage young people to inform us of changes to their benefits, housing benefit or working status. This helps the project financially and also fosters a sense of responsibility with young people.