The scheme is open to young single people aged between 16 and 21 who are either homeless or in unsuitable accommodation.
Referrals must be made by agencies using the pro-forma referral form below. The form should be sent to the M3 Office by email or post. Please note we require a hard copy signed by the young person for a referral to proceed
Before agencies refer, the nature of the scheme should be fully explained and be acceptable to the young person. He/she must be present when the form is completed and must sign the form in the appropriate places.
Householders are a network of individuals (or families) who are in the main not professionally trained. Referring agencies should bear this in mind when considering a referral young people will need to fit into families or individuals lives as a member of that household. This means that not all young people will benefit from this type of environment nor indeed will all young people be suitable. Young people with chaotic lives or multiple issues may not find that supported lodgings is able to give them the level of support that they need, nor offers the freedoms to which they have been used to.
Information sharing during a referral is essential. Failure to share information ultimately disadvantages a young person, as it can mean a young person is incorrectly placed or does not remain with the project. The project relies on volunteer householders they are a resource for other young people not just now but in the future. Losing them would disadvantage other young people in the future.